Terms & Conditions

Prior making an order with us, please read our terms and conditions.

Revision Policy

Online Class Helper

The customers are offered unlimited revisions without any charges. This simply means that the customer does not have to pay any extra amount for the modifications in the material. But it is highly recommended and we humbly request our customers to please clarify their order which may cause any confusion in the later stages of the order processing.

Refund Policy

Online Class Helper
  • In case onlineclasshelper.com fails to fulfil the commitment of your order or we are late under any circumstances, then a refund request is made on customer’s behalf.
  • The customer can make the refund request within the given time period. Else, they will not be entertained.
  • Under any circumstances, half of the total amount are the service charges and are not returned to customer.
  • If the order is canceled by client without work being done or for any reason/change of mind, then the refund isn't applicable. We only refund if we fail or do not provide work on time.
  • The students are requested to inform us about at least 70 days before cancelling their order. Else, the refund requests will be dealt on case-by-case basis.
  • com offers 24/7 assistance to all the customers and respond to the queries of the students at our earliest. However, the changes could be made in the customer service without any notification. Therefore, the customers should visit the website prior placing their order.
  • com does not plagiarise which is considered to be an act of misconduct. Therefore, students must not present our work as their own work.
  • Should you have questions, kindly get back to our customer support team.